Monday, 23 March 2015

Sexism in music videos

 Laura Mulvey's theories are; The theory of the male gaze and the triple gaze.
The male gaze- this states that the view we see on screen is that of a man. In films the male gaze is always active where is the female gaze is usually passive.
An example of the male gaze is in James Bond, Die another Day where Halle Berry appears from the water in slow motion and James looking on "enjoying the view".
Triple Gaze- Audience looking through the camera, looking at the man looking at the woman.
Below i will analyse Rhiannas shut up and drive using Laura Mulveys theories.

In this video the camera is constantly looking at Rhiannas body, there is clearly no fixing of cars going on in this video.
These shots show the theory of the male gaze in the way that Rhianna does a number of suxual poses.
Here we can see the men in the car looking at her body as she is walking along. 
Here Rhianna is thrusting vigorously in front of a car, this clearly shows the camera is from the prospective of a man.

Mulveys theories arent just present in music videos they also appear in movies too.  James Bond movies are a prime example of this.

Here the whole scene is taken up by a mans view of looking at a woman, this does nothing to develop the story. She even comes out of the water in slow motion.  This shows how prevalant sexism is in the entertainment industry.

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