Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Narrative theory

Narrative theory is a way that a story is organised.

There are three elements of narrative, these include time, closure and enigma.

Like our thriller that we did last year classical hollywood is very linear.

Tzvetan Tudorov- equilibrium, disruption, enigma and new equilibrium.

My thriller is very linear as everything that takes place happens in the correct order.
Disruption of the equilibrium will cause enigmas which will need  resolution which will lead to a new equilibrium.
In the thriller i made the equilibrium is the person walking through the woods, the disruption is the character getting murdered, at that point in time there is no resolution and the new equilibrium is that the murderer will have the usb that he stole for evil. Next in the thriller the dead person will likely be avenged and the murderer will get the punishment that he deserves.In modern hollywood it is now common for stories to have multiple sub plots and for a film to cover a wider period of time.

Using Vlaimir Propps 8 characters in stories For Eminem Stan

Hero- Eminem
Villain- Stan
Donor- Eminem
Helper- Girlfriend
Father- Eminem
Princess- Eminem
False Hero

Applying Tzvetan Tudorov's theory to Eminems stan.

The equilibrium in the video is Stan is where stan is a big Eminem fan and he is living at home with his pregnant girlfriend.

The disruption is When Eminem doesn't reply to his letters.
The resolution to the video is where he kills him and his girlfriend by driving off a bridge.

The new equlibrium is stans little brother who is also a big eminem fan who follows in stans footsteps by dying his hair blonde.

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