Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Foo fighters animatic

What did we have to do?
For this task we had to watch foo fighters the pretender and make a storyboard and animatic for it. The animatic was around 39 seconds long and contained around 15 different camera shots.

What we learned by doing this
From doing this exercise i learned how to correctly story board for a music video. Making the animatic taught me about how to match editing to the sound, e.g. cut to next scene on a beat.
It also taught me that in a music video you have to use lots of fast cuts and edits in order to keep the music video interesting. You also need a detailed animatic to have any idea of what to do as you get many different shots very quickly e.g. in the foo fighters song the pretender there are three different shots within the space of one second.

How is editing a music video different to editing a thriller?
A music video is very different to editing a thriller. This is because a thriller is relatively fast paced with only some fast shots. In a music video the majority of the video consists of fast edits. If i were to edit a music video in the same way as a thriller it would be very boring a tedious. If i edited a thriller like a music video it would kill the atmosphere and the audience would struggle to keep up with what is going on on screen.

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