Thursday, 30 April 2015

evaluation question 3

Below is the results from the audience research on our final media products.
From this we can see that overall my music video went down okay but not bad. This means that improvements can be made.

An overwhelming amount of people think that our video shots are way too dragged out, if we were to do it again include faster cuts and more shot variation.
We can see that most people might watch our film again, fro me I count this as a success as it is very difficult for a new band to penetrate the market. So these people might tell their friends then It will be viewed more via word of mouth.

From this feedback we can see that overall my media product was okay, not great. Around 14% of people said it was outright bad and a similar amount said they wouldn't watch it again. A big problem we had with our video appears to be the slow edits and long shot duration, if I could do this again I would get more shots in order to have more variety of shots to chose from and make my video look more interesting.
Overall i found this feedback very effective as I now know what I did right and what I should change if i were to do it again.
Below is the finished media product and rough cut;

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Evaluation question 2

Below is a popplet that I made

Evaluation question 1

In our music video we made sure to include many different genre conventions in order to
make it a good Rock video, this will help us .
Right from the start of the video the first thing you see is a close up.
Above is the opening shot of my music video.
We used the opening shot as inspiration from the foo fighters opening scene in The Pretender. Pictured above. 

This isn't the only genre characteristic from the rock genre that we used. We also used mid shots that show the whole band, this is common practise in rock videos.

You can see a clear resemblance between the band shot from my music video and the foo fighters band shot. The main difference is their more impressive location and a slightly wider angle and more people.

Before starting our project we didn't know too much about digipaks so we began researching them and took inspiration from the Gorillaz digipak which is relatively simple images with colours over them. Something like this was ideal for us as our photo editing skills are very limited.

As you can see these resemble each other quite closely, but we decided we wanted a higher range of brighter colours.

Constructing the Digipak

I found the digipak to be one of the hardest parts of the whole project, this was mainly due to the fact that I find editing with Photoshop very difficult. To get the digipak to a good standard it took more than one attempt.
In order to complete the digipak i undertook a lot of research and in the end decided to use the Gorillaz's digipak as inspiration for mine.

I found this digipak very helpful when creating mine as it shows that to make a good digipak you dont need to use loads of different special effects, you could just use simple images and colours.

In order to create the digipak I first used the camera on an iphone 5s in order to get the images to use.
The iPhone gave us some good shots, which was surprising for a phone.

Next i imported the images into adobe Photoshop. I found this program quite difficult to use however with practice you can create some quite amazing things.

Below is my finished digipak; 

Monday, 27 April 2015

Constructing the advert

Constructing the advert was a long process that we found quite difficult. This was because we had very limited Photoshop skills, to fix this we needed to go back to it multiple times in order to get it to a reasonable standard and learn how to use Photoshop on the Macs.

To get inspiration for my magazine advert I looked at real adverts and the adverts from previous year groups. I saw that all of the adverts featured a qr code and a website, which mine did not so it looked unprofessional.
To make the advert better me and my group went and took some group photos for the main advert image, we then removed the background and placed the image onto a backdrop that matched the theme of the song. I then created a qr code and added a website to make it look like a REAL advert.
Below is an early version of my advert cover, this one wasn't very good but was a good way to learn how to use the Photoshop software.
Overall I feel that the magazine advert is okay. The band shot shows that the band doesn't take itself too seriously in contrast the background shows that the song covers a serious topic. There is an iTunes advertisement, QR code and a website link. If i were to do it again I would use a better font and maybe use a better band shot just to give it the "extra" bit of professionalism.
I would make the website a little smaller.
Below is the final magazine advert;


Below is our storyboard. Shot duration is rough estimate.

Editing the music video

Editing the music video was a long and tedious process. This was because we had to have so many cuts in order to fit the pacing of our song. This was okay it was just our lack of shots that made it difficult to stick to this fast pacing, because of this you do see some repeated shots in the finished products but we got away with it a little bit due to the repeated shots being mainly band room footage so it still looks natural.

Below is a photo of me doing the music video.

When editing the video we had a play around with transitions and video effects to try and make our footage look a little more interesting, however when showing this to a small audience nobody liked the transitions and it looked as if it slowed down the pace of the editing whilst the some was very fast paced. We therefor decided that in our final piece we would have no video transitions or effects at all, this made our music video look a lot faster and more convincing as a music video.

Whilst editing our video I got a lot better at using the editing software which made the video look a lot smoother, this is because I learnt how to use all of the things that Adobe Premier Pro had to offer.
As a result I feel that the music video is very good and is the best product that I have made including last years thriller.

Overall I feel that our final product was very good, this is down to good shots and good editing. The music video would have been a lot better if we had more shot variation however this was not possible due to camera issues when filming and lack of time. If we had more time our final product could have been even better with a wide range of locations and more creativity, this had to be limited to to time and location constraints.

The video editing software that we used was Adobe Premier Pro, Below is screenshots from video editing.

Below is my finished music video.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Filming the music video

Filing the music video was a difficult and time consuming process. this was because it is hard to create a good music video that includes key conventions. We also had to overcome things such as weather and lighting difficulties as well as travelling to locations at a convenient time for everyone.
We also had to take in consideration how congested the place was as we didn't want random members of the public in our shots. Another difficulty was transporting the camera equipment, as we were travelling on crowded buses it became a nuisance to try and keep things such as the tripod out of peoples was.

The filming process was made a bit simpler by the use of high quality cameras and basic camera accessories such as a tripod, this guaranteed steady shots that would have been otherwise impossible. Even though we got good shots when we got to the editing stage we found that we did not have enough shot variation. This meant we had to go out again to get more footage in more locations, When we came to uploading our new footage we found that the camera didn't catch any of the footage, we later found that it was because the camera had ran our of storage however we didn't get no warning message so all of the footage from that day was lost. At this point we had no more time to film so had to use the footage we did have to the best of our abilities, this can be seen as our video has some repeated shots, mainly band room footage.

Below is an image of the group members just before filming commenced.

A problem we had whilst filming outside was the noise level, as we were playing the song in order for me to lip sync the sound became unhearable which meant I had to learn the song word for word and time it perfectly. The inside shots, the band scene, was much easier as it was a quiet environment with loud speakers.

Before creating our final piece we made a rough cut and showed it to a small audience, the feedback informed us that overall our video was good however they didn't like the video transitions and effects that we had on as it made it look more like a story instead of a music video. soin our final piece we had to video transitions, this gave our product a faster pace and look more convincing as a real music video.

Below is the rough cut;

Overall the shots we got were good thanks to a high quality camera and some smart camera positioning, this gave us the ability to create a quite convincing music video. We also knew that any problems we had with the footage could later be fixed during the editing stage, such as poor lighting.

Below is our final product.

Monday, 20 April 2015

music video rough cut

After showing our video to other classmates we found that overall people thought the video was okay however the general consensus was that the transitions and video effects ruined a generally okay video.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Audience feedback

In order to create our media product we has to carry out some audience feedback on the rough cut in order to see if we are going along the right track for our final product.

From this feedback we can see that overall my media product was okay, not great. Around 14% of people said it was outright bad and a similar amount said they wouldn't watch it again. A big problem we had with our video appears to be the slow edits and long shot duration, if I could do this again I would get more shots in order to have more variety of shots to chose from and make my video look more interesting.
Overall i found this feedback very effective as I now know what I did right and what I should change if i were to do it again.
Below is the finished rough cut;