Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Evaluation question 1

In our music video we made sure to include many different genre conventions in order to
make it a good Rock video, this will help us .
Right from the start of the video the first thing you see is a close up.
Above is the opening shot of my music video.
We used the opening shot as inspiration from the foo fighters opening scene in The Pretender. Pictured above. 

This isn't the only genre characteristic from the rock genre that we used. We also used mid shots that show the whole band, this is common practise in rock videos.

You can see a clear resemblance between the band shot from my music video and the foo fighters band shot. The main difference is their more impressive location and a slightly wider angle and more people.

Before starting our project we didn't know too much about digipaks so we began researching them and took inspiration from the Gorillaz digipak which is relatively simple images with colours over them. Something like this was ideal for us as our photo editing skills are very limited.

As you can see these resemble each other quite closely, but we decided we wanted a higher range of brighter colours.

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