Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Constructing the Digipak

I found the digipak to be one of the hardest parts of the whole project, this was mainly due to the fact that I find editing with Photoshop very difficult. To get the digipak to a good standard it took more than one attempt.
In order to complete the digipak i undertook a lot of research and in the end decided to use the Gorillaz's digipak as inspiration for mine.

I found this digipak very helpful when creating mine as it shows that to make a good digipak you dont need to use loads of different special effects, you could just use simple images and colours.

In order to create the digipak I first used the camera on an iphone 5s in order to get the images to use.
The iPhone gave us some good shots, which was surprising for a phone.

Next i imported the images into adobe Photoshop. I found this program quite difficult to use however with practice you can create some quite amazing things.

Below is my finished digipak; 

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